Rohingya student Network (RSN) is an independent, community-based non-profit organization founded and run by Rohingya students and youths, dedicated to enacting positive change and justice through peace building, empowerment, and advocacy. This constitutional framework is designed to provide a coherent and professional structure to guide our organizational endeavors.
Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Rohingya Student Network (RSN).
Article II: Mission and Objectives
RSN is committed to continue fighting for the life, liberty, security, and the justice for Rohingya people. We are committed to empower our community by providing skill-building and capacity-enhancing opportunities.
Our objectives include organizing workshops, training programs, and taking steps for advocacy initiatives and campaign to bring positive changes for our community, fostering a brighter and more inclusive future. Every year we set or renew our smart objectives aligning with our mission to work effectively.
Article III: Organizational Structure
Section 1: Board of Trustees
1.1 Members of the Board of Trustees (Board Members) are Rohingya students and youths, both within and outside the Bangladesh refugee camp.
1.2 Board Members consist of an Executive Director, Head of Camp Representative Committee, Head of Female Affairs, Spokesperson, and Logistic Officer.
1.3 Board Members are appointed by the founder of RSN for a one-year period.
1.4 The Board Members serve as decision-makers for all matters at RSN within the period, and decisions are made by majority vote.
Section 2: Advisory Board
2.1 Members of the Advisory Board (Advisors) shall be Rohingya or non-Rohingya individuals within or outside the Bangladesh refugee camp.
2.2 Advisors provide timely advice to the Board of Trustees in written format and oversee RSN activities.
2.3 Advisors are appointed for a one-year period by the decision of the Board of Trustees.
Section 3: General Members
3.1 General Members are Rohingya students and youths residing in Cox’s Bazar refugee camp.
3.2 General Members are invited to join RSN through an open call annually, and membership is approved by the Board of Trustees.
3.3 General Members assist the activities of the Camp Representative Committee (CRC).
Section 4: Camp Representative Committee (CRC)
4.1 Members of the Camp Representative Committee are Rohingya students and youths residing in Cox’s Bazar refugee camp.
4.2 CRC members are chosen by General Members and approved by the Board of Trustees.
4.3 CRC is responsible for implementing all field activities of RSN, managed by the Head of Camp Representative Committee.
Section 5: Official Representative
5.1 Official representatives (RSN Representative to assign country) are Rohingya students and youths residing in different countries, out of Bangladesh.
5.2 Official representatives represent the interest of RSN in their country of residence, organize activities, and take necessary steps there with the decision of board.
5.3 Official representatives are appointed for a one-year period by decision of the Board of Trustees.
Section 6: Executive Director
6.1 The Executive Director is head of the board of trustees who coordinates with all parts of the organization externally and internally.
Section 7: Head of Camp Representative Committee
7.1 The Head of Camp Representative Committee coordinates with the Board of Trustees and CRC, taking necessary steps and implementing programs with the decision of the Board.
Section 8: Head of Female Affairs
8.1 The Head of Female Affairs coordinates with the Board of Trustees and the Female Team of RSN, implementing programs and activities with the decision of the Board.
Section 9: Spokesperson
9.1 The Spokesperson coordinates with the Board of Trustees, represents RSN in the media, builds relations, and collects necessary information to share with the Board.
Section 10: Logistic Officer
10.1 The Logistic Officer coordinates with the Board of Trustees, provides necessary logistic support, maintains financial records, and submits monthly reports to the Board.
January 7, 2024
Founder of Rohingya Student Network